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Hoping someone might be able to help.

I’m trying to set document visibility, added the recipient as signer and checked the “ Recipients must be signers to view signed documents”. also added a field for the person in the file. however, the visibility is blocked. can’t be edited.

Please advise. 


Hello @Hagar_av 

I hope you doing great. I am sharing the link of DS support article, which helps you to resolve the issue.

Set Document Visibility   



What setting are you using for Document Visibility?  

If the recipient has an account, it might behave differently.   Also, make you add another document to see if it opens up your options. 

@Pawan Gangwani - I followed the article and same issue….

@JohnSantos I don’t have that dropdown, I only have a checkbox that they must be signers

for testing purposes, I’m using my own email address for this function- to test visibility. but in practice, the person would not have an account.


Any Ideas?

@Pawan Gangwani - I followed the article and same issue….

@JohnSantos I don’t have that dropdown, I only have a checkbox that they must be signers

for testing purposes, I’m using my own email address for this function- to test visibility. but in practice, the person would not have an account.


Any Ideas?

Hey there, no problem sometimes article helps or sometimes requires do testing different scenarios.

Btw you do not have the dropdown, so where are you seeing it. coz this document visibility dropdown is in the eSignature setting and then  “Sending Settings”. is that where are you looking?

Hi Hagar,
The short answer is: it’s because you need to use a different email for testing..
I’ve recorded this quick video for you to give you more context:

Hope this helps,
Sofian Saoudi | Founder @Solusign Consulting - Docusign Partner

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Thank for trying to help!

this is what I'm seeing:

am I in the wrong place?

sofian_solusign Thank you! it worked!!

sofian_solusign it also happens though if I put other people that has an account in DocuSign. tried using an email of a colleague which is not a sender and still couldn’t edit the visibility. any solution for that?

Hello @Hagar_av ,


Welcome to the Docusign Community and thank you for posting your concerns!


I’m glad to hear that most of your issue is solved, however, I understand you get the same problem when adding someone that has a Docusign account.


Can you provide a screenshot of the setting set under Settings > Sending Settings? If not, can you make sure that the option selected is either “Must sign to view, unless sender” or “Sender can set "must sign to view, unless sender"”.


If the option you have is “Must sign to view, unless sender” can you try the other one?: Fields and Properties


Let us know if you need further assistance with this.


Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!

Hello @Hagar_av ,

If you found my response to be a useful solution to your question, please mark it as the best answer by clicking “Select as Best” to make it easier for other users to find.

Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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