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Hello team ,


we are implementing DocuSign retention policy on 22 may2024:


After implementation the old document will be deleted ?


all document will be deleted upon setting the retention or only specific document , for example document only over 6 months will be purged from the system 

Hello, @Munish veda 


You are welcome to the Docusign Community!


A summary for Retention Policy:


“With a document retention policy, you can set the number of days to retain completed, declined, and voided documents. Setting a document retention period is optional. By default, Docusign securely retains all customer documents on the service for as long as the account is active.”


I recommend you to read this excellent Best Practices paper about the Retention Policy:


Let me know if I answered your question.




Hello @Munish veda ,

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Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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