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the downloaded invoice(168,000 KRW) from Docusign site and the credit card invoice(173,268 KRW) are different. anybody knows the reason why?

Hi @LEE Duck-Young !

I apologize for the inconvenience.

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to say a reason here, as there may be different possible scenarios, such as retroactive charging, overcharging or even the application of fees. Only the Customer Support/Billing team can help you with this, as they have internal access to consult.

To get more information you’ll need to create a case with DocuSign Support, please see How do I open a case in the DocuSign Support Center? more information.


What I can recommend now is to check your Invoice available directly by the Docusign platform, through the Settings > Plan and Billing menu. This step works for accounts purchased through our website. See this article for more information: Download an Invoice

Hi @LEE Duck-Young,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to confirm if you need further assistance, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,


Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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