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Because our company is international, has many divisions and many legacy standards, some departments require date format to be YYYY-MM-DD, while other require DD-MM-YYYY and our current format is DD-Month-YYYY (Month is spelled out, eg. April, June, December)

I know that our DocuSign Admin (I am not an admit) can change the format for every DocuSign account related to our company, but this will not help me, as this will just set a new default for all documents.

What am looking for is an option to use different date formats, for different documents / templates.

Is there some way to achieve this?


If the built-in date formats do not meet your requirements, you can create custom text fields for dates and manually format them.  When setting up your template, add a Text field instead of a Date Signed field.  You can then use validation for the field to create a custom Regex Pattern.  

Hello @Marcus ,

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Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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