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I couldn’t help notice that currently there is no option to specify the time of day envelope reminders are sent to recipients. Is there any way to change and specify the exact time reminders are sent?

Currently, reminders are sent near midnight/1am local time, depending on time zone and whether it is daylight savings time or not.

It would be an extremely helpful feature to specify the time of day reminders are sent, to help sales teams control the time reminders are sent to prospects for signature to maximize their chance of success. 

@navibajwa Currently there is no option or setting in DocuSign that allows for the Reminders to be sent within certain working hours or other time criteria.  I have seen several individuals request this feature and agree it would be useful and valuable especially to those individuals receiving the notification at midnight or later.  I would first recommend sending in a feature request via the DocuSign app if that is provided as an option.  Hopefully there will be a feature request type area added to the Community so these can be upvoted by the Community members.

I just noticed that our signers are getting reminders at 1:30AM ET.  This is so rude!  If we cannot choose a specific time of day to release reminders, can you at least make the time a more civilized hour of the morning?!

Same here. How this is still not a feature yet they did a branding overhaul is beyond me. All of my customers are getting reminders at 2am. 
