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Hi team,


The issue came up with an envelope sent to two recipients, the first one signed in all the required fields where his signs was supposed to be.

However in a part of the document where his name is not there to sign he was able to sign. 

These are the replications steps:

Envelope is sent to two different recipients

The first person signs the envelope yesterday and for any reason he signs in a part of the document under his name and for any reason signs with his sign in the other recipient name.

The second recipients signs the envelope today and she signs as usual not seeing under her name was signed by the other recipient. 


I want to point out that this has been tried to be replicated with no failure as DocuSign is allowing ti sign in the required fields or the name you need to require to sign.

Do you know how this could happen?

Once the envelope was signed, can be this modified in order to remove the sign of the first recipient who was able to sign under his name and under the other recipient name and put the sign of the correct recipient?

Thank you



In DocuSign eSignature the sender specifies the permissions for all recipients. That usually includes all fields that they need to sign or fill out. Maybe there was a mistake creating the envelope and assigning the fields to the correct recipient or you created fields that overlapped or on top of each other? Recipients have different colours in DocuSign eSignature Sending to help you assign them to the right recipients more easily.

If you do not assign any field to a recipient, they will have a free form signing experience, which means they can put standard fields wherever they want in the envelope. Only then can they place fields themselves.

You cannot modify or remove fields after they the recipient has completed their actions.

Thank you @Michael.Rave 
