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Is it possible to create a custom/dynamic suffix for your Generated Document in Docusign Gen ? I would like to add the Customer Name for instance as suffix

Thank you



Hello @Lucas de Fabry ,

Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.


Apologies for the late reply, I understand you would like to add a custom suffix to your documents in DocuSign Gen.


Unfortunately, what you are looking for is not currently possible, the only option at the moment is to leverage Salesforce functionality to rename the pdf filename after it’s already written to Salesforce. Something like a Salesforce Flow or Apex trigger to rename the file.


However, any feedback that can improve our users’ experience is always more than welcome. 


If you’re a DocuSign Administrator for a corporate plan, you have the additional option of filing your request directly when you’re logged into your account. You’ll be able to click the “Give Feedback” button at the bottom of the screen to submit your idea.


Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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Hello @Lucas de Fabry ,

If you found my response to be a useful solution to your question, please mark it as the best answer by clicking “Select as Best” to make it easier for other users to find.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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