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I want to complete a template - the document to be sent is an invoice and will be different every time.

The recipient has to sign, and input an account code in a text box. The signature needs to be auto dated.


We can do this manually but is there a way to input the signature box, date and text box as a template?

@Hungrini The answer really depends on what you mean by the “document is different each time”.  This could mean that there are sometimes one page or several pages or that just the data in the documents change but not the position of important items such as the Signature block, Date or other text boxes.  In both case though you could create an overlay Template. This would involve using a document that is a standard usually consisting of the document text without the added data per a specific Recipient, uploading that to a new Template and just adding in the Signature block, Date Signed as well as other text fields unique to a Recipient that are not added specifically to the document. We do this in the case of invoices in which the data in the order areas always change but the fields where people sign or take action are always in the same location. You then enable Template Matching and when an envelope is created it will popup with options to add the Template overlay which adds just the fields as described above.

You can create several Templates if the document lengths vary, in the case of our invoices we have 5 Templates ranging from 1 page to 5 pages.

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