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I am trying to create a template that utilizes logic on a pulldown menu. Selection of an option in the first dropdown needs to determine the contents of a subsequent dropdown menu. for example.


Option 1 - Selection of this option gives you options 1, 2 and 3 in a subsequent dropdown

Option 2 - Selection of this option gives you options 1, 3 and 5 in a subsequent dropdown

Option 3 - Selection of this option gives you options 2, 3 and 4 in a subsequent dropdown


Thanks in advance!

@Derrick Watson

It is not possible to conditionally show values in a dropdown at this point in time. However there is a solution to achieve what you want using conditional fields and showing the correct subsequent dropdown based on the selected option in the first dropdown.

  1. You need to create multiple subsequent dropdown menus that only contain the values that you to display. In your example three subsequent dropdowns.
  2. Add conditional logic to the first dropdown to show the first subsequent dropdown when option 1 is selected.
  3. Add conditional logic to the first dropdown to show the second subsequent dropdown when option 2 is selected.
  4. Add conditional logic to the first dropdown to show the third subsequent dropdown when option 3 is selected.
  5. After the logic has been applied, format the subsequent dropdowns to be on top of each other.

DocuSign Support Article on Conditional Fields:

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