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I am creating a web form with DocuSign, in the process of building the template I have many documents that may or may not be necessary for the applicant to fill, including four copies of a provider form. The reasoning for this is that some families with multiple children sometimes have multiple providers. How can I conditionally format the required additional pages to show if the provider name boxes have differing information entered?

This additional sheet would also require an additional signer, not needed otherwise. Any advice would be wonderful, thank you in advance! 

@Childcare Team I would suggest some type of Question in the Web Form asking about the Multiple providers and link that to a question on the document similar to how websites ask about your Home Address and whether its the same as the Billing Address.  A “No” (or a Yes depending on the phrasing of the question)  would open up the conditional fields that would be required for multiple providers and then that opens up new Questions on the Web Form.

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