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Hi have recently loaded docusign on my Samsung galaxy tablet A6.   But when I log in with my account I use on my phone.   It says access denied connection compromised.    How can I log in to my account on tablet please


Hi @Carol !
Are you using our DocuSign App or are you trying to login using browser?

Please, try our DocuSign App (available to Android and iOS).

I downloaded app via play store.    

I downloaded app via play store.    

Hi @Carol !

Does this issue happen before or after your login?
From what I researched, this is something related to your connection/firewall. One of the first things I would try is switching internet connections (if you are using Wifi, try using 5G or another connection). If still doesn’t work, try to reinstall the application. If would be possible, I would try it on another device too, just to be sure it’s not related to your mobile.

After login and After verification.   


Have reinstalled 4x still same issue.   Only issue is through the app on my tablet 


I can log however if I use chrome.

OK, and did you try another internet connection? If yes, would be possible to disable your mobile antivirus for a few minutes to double-check if it’s not related to the firewall or something similar? I would also try to perform the same procedure on another device.
This is quite peculiar, as it only happens with this device.

All fine on other devices.   


It also tells me to update.   But it is updated as newest Download 


@Carol I don’t know any other possible solution for your case, sorry!
I strongly recommend you reach out to our Customer Support team. They’ll probably ask you for some logs and share them with the product team.

Hi @Carol,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to confirm if you need further assistance with this, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,


Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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