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Hello, when internal recipients add a comment(s) will those comments be seen by the outside signatory or can they be private to only internal recipients? What would the process be for adding comments that you don’t want to carry over to the outside signatory?



Hello Mancini,

You can select who can see the comment and make it private. In this example, Alex wants only Mindy to see his comment (and not the other recipients of the envelope), so he chooses Mindy in the drop down under SELECT WHO CAN SEE THIS.


Upon completion of signing, the comment history will be available as a separate document. It will be accessible to the Sender of the envelope only.

Hello, Thank you for this. To clarify, no matter how many comments are added by recipients, if enabled, the Sender, myself, will be the ONLY person to see them and they will not carry over to the approval page when envelope/document has been executed. I will only get the separate document. Did I understand correctly? Thanks again
