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HI all,

I have a docusign template with 4 attachments

  1. Form with docusign fields to agree on a proposal.
  2. Proposal (which is added during the signing process).
  3. T&C (fixed in the template)
  4. DPA (fixed in the template)

I want to see the DPA and T&C at the end of the docusign template. But I only can set the T&C as supplement. I also want to set the DPA as a supplement. But the DPA also has signing fields.

The proposal should be visible after the Form with Docusign fields.

Does someone has a solution for this?

@Henry Korteweg 

Supplemental documents per definition do not have any fields. Therefore, you cannot set the DPA as supplemental if if contains signature fields.

You can change the order of the documents in the template by drag and dropping them in initial screen where you can upload the documents. This way you can change the order of the documents as needed.

Hello @Henry Korteweg ,

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