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Our Certificate ID numbers used to always default print on the top of the page, and since February 2024 they are not always there now. I see there is a way to click on advanced options when sending a document and checking a box saying you want it to print at the top of the page but is there a way to set it up to be default again?

@Taphinney I am not familiar with Certificate ID but I am aware of the Envelope ID that typically is at the top of all printed envelope documents, did you mean Envelope ID?

Yes sorry, the envelope ID number is missing on documents now. If when sending an envelope you can go in to advanced options and check a box to make it appear - but it used to be defaulted to always be there, which we would like to have back again. Hoping there was a spot in settings we could turn it back on. 

@Taphinney Two items that you need to review…

  1. Envelopes can originate from a Powerform or Template and the envelope inherits the Advanced Settings of the Template, which may have the Envelope ID turned off.  So first check the Template that the envelopes are originating from to ensure the checkbox for Envelope ID is enabled.
  2. There is an Admin setting for Envelope ID and having it enabled by default for new envelopes.  Check with your DocuSign Admin then have them go to Settings >Sending Settings. Make sure the following are enabled:

(checkbox) Enable including the Envelope ID on the document

(checkbox) Include Envelope ID by default

Hi @Taphinney,


I hope you are doing well.


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Best regards,   

Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator   

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