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Cannot locate 'SenderName via Docusign' in resource file

  • 17 July 2024
  • 8 replies

I am trying to change the “sender” of the email when an envelope goes out. I know I need to edit the resource file, which I’ve done many times before, but I cannot locate the “SenderName via Docusign”.

There are only two results returned when searching ‘via Docusign’ and they are for account admin activation. 

Is there somewhere else to locate the email sender in a different resource file?


What are you changing it to?  Are you looking at the email resource file?


Yes it is the email resource file (actually looked at both signing and email to confirm). I am looking at changing it to “SECU via Docusign”.


So, you are looking to hardcode it to always say “SECU via Docusign”.  If they reply to the email it will not have a valid email address?



Yes, that is correct. We do not want any sender information readily available to be seen. DocuSign response:

“The Email Resource File can remove the sender's name/email from the body of the email message itself, but it cannot change the Reply-To (the email we display as the "sender" of the envelope, and where replies get routed to). The Reply-To will always be the email address the Sender uses to log in, unless the account is using Custom Email Domain (at which point everything sent from the account will have a single common email address for the Reply-To).”


There is an alternative method if you have claimed your company domain.   it will basically allow you to create a user account with any email address (email does not have to be active in your email system).  You would use the feature to automatically activate the account.  Then either use Custody transfer or Delegate action to send envelopes from this account.

Hi @potthoffw,


I hope you are doing well.


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Best regards,

Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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Unfortunately, there is no best answer. We have 40-50 users who send envelopes and do not need their names showing as the “sender” due to legal concerns of someone replying to the email. It is unfortunate that there is not an option to mask the sender name and reply to email in an easy way. The current work around we are using is creating a generic account and providing shared access with the senders. Then send on behalf of that generic account. Not ideal but easiest option for 40-50 senders.

Hi @potthoffw,

I hope you are doing well,  I apologize for any inconvenience this might cause you, however, any feedback that can improve our users’ experience is always more than welcome. We invite you to share your product suggestions and feature requests on our dedicated ideas page (, where we can collaborate to shape the future of our product together.


Best regards,

Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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