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Dear Team, 


we encounter a strange error. We are generating CSV files from our system that we load to docusing to bulk send. This worked flowlessly until today. there is a new look and during validation it shows that there are some errors. Unfortunately these errors are not presented, so I do not know what to fix. 


Even stranger, I tried to delete a few entries from the CSV and it seems to generate the errors in random. IF I upload the whole file i get 5 errors,  if I delete row 1-20 i get around 4 error, but if I bring back 1-20 and delete 21-40 it gives 3 errors. (SO from my calculation if i get 5 error in the whole CSV I should get only5 error in total when I delete some records…


Could you help my?



Hello, @Future001 


Welcome to the DocuSign Community.


Did you get the Bulk Send resultant log to verify those 4 errors? In the log you can see the error. Download as .CSV, in the last column you can see the details for the errors.




Dear Alexandre,


thank you for the prompt reply, I do not see any option to download such log...


Could you navigate me, where such a log can be downloaded?



Hi @Future001,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to confirm if you need further assistance, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,


Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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