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I'm trying to send customized documents to a number of people.  I want to use one template and have these individuals names, addresses, and pay populated using a bulk upload.  I've matched the label of the custom field to the column header in the bulk upload but when I upload, no values appear in the custom fields I've created.  What step am I missing?

There was a recent update/enhancement in Bulk Send so if you are creating a new process you need to follow the new guidelines. The enhancement now supports multiple recipients so each bulk recipient can have a different person as the second or subsequent signer. This means you can upload a list of employees and each employee can have a different manager defined as the approver in a workflow.

Read about ( Bulk Send for Multiple Recipients .

The column headers in the CSV file must specify both the recipient role defined in the template and the Data Label of the field assigned to that recipient on the document. So if you have a template role called "Employee" and a Text field with the Data Label called "Pay" on the document you would need to provide 3 columns of data in the CSV for each employee with the respective labels Employee::Name, Employee::Email, Employee::Pay.



​I have been trying to use this functionality and despite having the right detains in both the envelope and csv upload file when I try  use the template it gives me an error message saying it can't find the field in the envelope. Please can you help as I don't know what I am doing wrong

I was having the same issues, that is when I realized my name and email address was entered as the signer. Go back in and remove your name and email address and just enter signer in as role with no names or emails and you should have no issues with the custom fields disappearing when you go to send the document.
