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I have downloaded the user csv. I then edited the columns I want to update. I tried to upload the change and I am getting this error 

AccountId must be the first or second field in the import. If it is the second field, SiteId must be the first field.


This is the exact same structure as the downloaded CSV. I have not changed the first 2 columns. The first column is SiteID (unchanged), the second column is AccountID (also unchanged)


Any help on why I am getting this error?

Hello, @Rupham 


Welcome to the Docusign Community!


Have you downloaded the .CSV template file from an Envelope or from a Template?


Also, can you send a screenshot with the .CSV file columns?


Thank you,


Sorry this is for Bulk user edit. 



Ahh, OK, I get it.


On this case you need to make sure there are two required columns, the others are optional so if are not going to update them just delete those columns.


Header row and required columns

The first line of the file is the header row, which defines the columns. The header row is followed by rows of user data. Each row corresponds to a user.

Two columns are required in the CSV file: UserEmail and APIUserName. Other columns are are optional.


Read the entire articles with the details for a well succeeded Buld Edit operation.


CSV File Format for Users Update


I hope that helps!


Hey I figured it out. In the Bulk USer Download had a SiteID column. Once I deleted that it worked. 
