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If I send a document to 100+ people with bulk send I download the signed pdf files with the name of the template. "Random Template.pdf". Is there any possibility to download the files with special filename? I would like to use some fields from filled file into the name of the file. for example "Firstname Lastname Random Template.pdf" instead of "Random Template.pdf"? 

Of course I know I can rename the files one by one during the download in the browser but it is slow process. If I could do it automatically It would be great.

Thanks a lot!


Thank you for reaching out to the DocuSign Community.

Envelope Custom Field values can be used as a merge field in the email subject, to customize the envelope titles for each document sent from a template, use the recipient role and merge fields to automatically insert the recipient's name or other details into the message subject. 

This I'm afraid needs to be done either upon envelope creation (before sent), or through the correct feature if the envelope was already sent (please keep in mind you can only correct pending envelopes).

Please keep in mind that available options may vary based on your account plan and selected payment method. Your account plan might not support some options. For more information about which options are available for your account, you can review your account plan with your Account Team or contact DocuSign customer support.

You might find the following information useful:

To add merge fields to a template message subject

To create a template with merge fields for bulk send

Custom Fields for Envelopes

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Please click "Select as Best" below if you found the answer to be a valid solution to your issue. Thank you for using DocuSign, we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!

Best regards,

Rebeca | DocuSign Community Moderator

Thank you for your detailed answer. I know about the ECF solutions in case of email subject. But I asked about the filename of downloaded documents. or is it the same?

I would like to save all 100+ signed document but different filename. If I download the files in normal case every name of the files are the same. for example:

template name: Contract For 2023

I send the files.

They signed.

I can download Contract For 2023.pdf for EVERY recipient or "Save As" and rename the files "RECIPIENT 1 Contract For 2023.pdf", "RECIPIENT 2 Contract For 2023.pdf" and so on.

Or example from HR:

Template name: Salary 2023.

After the sign process: I can download Salary 2023.pdf for EVERY employees or "Save As" and rename the files "GID1 Firstname1Lastname1 Salary.pdf", "GID 2 Firstname2Lastname2 Salary.pdf" and so on.

I would like that If I click to the "Download" the default filename contains the name or gid (labeled text) of the recipient and the manual rename of the files should not be necessary.

I hope I could explain my challenge.


The template's message subject becomes both the email notification message subject and the name of the envelope.

If you download your envelope as a Single PDF the envelope's name should be the one that displays, however, if you download the envelope as separate PDFs (through a .ZIP file) the PDF's name will show the actual document name you included initially, and this cannot be automatically modified.

You might find the following information useful:

To download documents

If you believe that you need further assistance, or require the assistance of a live agent, you can always create a Support Case to have a Support agent work with you.

If you are not able to open a Customer Support case via the above link, you can scroll down to More Support Options and select "I can't reset my password or don't have an account." you will have the option of filling out the form or calling Support.

Please click "Select as Best" below if you found the answer to be a valid solution to your issue. Thank you for using DocuSign, we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!

Best regards,

Rebeca | DocuSign Community Moderator

It's great. We will try it. Thanks a lot!

hi, I am running into the same issue. The name of the subject line does NOT match the file name. Is this possible?

hi there. Me, too. The name of the subject line is different for each document but all attachments still have a generic name and you have to individually rename one by one as a result. Downloading it directly from the envelope as a zip file as you suggested does not change this. 
