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I am having so much trouble trying to use the bulk send feature of my docusign account. 

I downloaded the sample CSV and then populated it with names and email addresses but when i come to attach it, it says the file is not supported or then it says i need to switch to the newer version.


I am at the end of my teather with this as all i want to do is send one document to 30 + people and i am completely unable to make it work. 


I am not tech minded which maybe the issue but the suport centre is not helping so thought i would try here, thank you for any advise or pointers!!!

@Lucy.Smith - You need to make sure that you are uploading as CSV files.   After you add your data and fields to your CSV file and you save it, make sure it is not changing the file type.    You can choice option to Save As a comma delimited file. 

Hi @Lucy.Smith,


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Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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