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I’ve created templates successfully many time before but I recently created one and once I go into get the Sample CSV none of the data labels I’ve inputted on the form are populating on the excel template. The CSV just has Client name, email, Identification, and Phone number. I’ve done nothing different than I have in the past, wondering if something new changed with the docusign update? 

@Becky Valente - I’m not aware of any changes.    Do you have access to a Demo DocuSign account?  Maybe you can export your template and see if you get the same issues happening in Demo.

Hi @Becky Valente,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to confirm if you were able to solve your issue by utilizing the solution that was suggested? 


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Otherwise, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,   

Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator   

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!   





I am currently experiencing the issue mentioned above and do not see a solution. I started the template in DEMO and got the incorrect Bulk Import Sample list so moved it to PROD in the event it was a DEMO thing but am experiencing the same thing. Other templates are fine but this one is still funky. I added all fields as a custom field but it is not making any changes. Any direction would be helpful. 


Thank you! 


Try exporting your template, then re-import it back into the system. After that, get a sample CSV file and check if this resolves the issue.

I tried that in PROD and it gave the same result with the headers: 

Role 1::Name
Role 1::Email
Role 1::AccessCode
Role 1::Identification
Role 1::PhoneNumber
Role 2::Name
Role 2::Email
Role 2::Note
Envelope Custom Field 1
Envelope Custom Field 2
Role 1::Data Label 1
Role 1::Data Label 2

Role 2::Data Label 1


It looks like a true sample report which is fine but having my fields in it for bulk send is critical for a lot of the templates we use. Any help is greatly appreciated! 


The “sample” CSV should include all the fields needed for your Bulk Send but they are not all required.   I recommend you label your field labels with descriptive names so when you create another sample CSV you know what information to populate on your CSV.  
