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When I try to log in I keep getting “App Request Error”

Can’t log on. - App Request Error


I am getting the same message

Same error for me


Same and came here to see if there’s a fix. 

same here--I can not get past the log in page



same for me

I’m getting the same error as well.  Any ideas when this might be fixed?


Hope it’s fixed soon! We are a tax business and use it for signatures on e-file forms!

Same error for me.  And trying to contact someone is obviously not an option as there is no way to contact customer support. 

Same.  I was in earlier today with no issue.

I am getting the same error and came here to see if there is a solution.

Im on hold now but intro said currently having a service interruption 

Having the same issue….The only way to contact support is to open a support case, which sometimes takes over a day for someone to respond.

We had the same error but are back online now

Back on as well

Same error. Cannot get past the login page. I have a co-worker on hold with Customer Support. Came here to see if others having the same issue (and if there’s a fix).


ETA: I was able to finally log back on (a few minutes after posting my original reply).

I am back on.. whew !



I hope you all are doing well.


There was an outage that affected our services, are you still experiencing the same behavior?


Let us know if you need further assistance with this, I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,


Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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