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When in the signature page, after entering name & title, there is a dated field that can be filled out as well but sometimes the clients get the date wrong. I am aware there is a timestamp date at the bottom that auto-populates, but is it possible for the dated field to also auto-populate instead of having to manually key in?

@Andrea.Owens To clarify the DocuSign field called “Date Signed” which is an automated field that is set at the time the Recipient completes their Recipient action and the Recipient cannot alter this Date Signed field.  You can also set a Text box with a “date” validation which will allow the Recipient to pick from a calendar popup.  This Text field with “date” validation can be pre-filled by the Sender but it does not auto-populate.  You could try using a Formula field but to provide further details I would need to understand expectations on what date is expected from the Recipient.

Hello @Andrea.Owens ,

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