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How do I set up signature order for a customer to either Accept or Decline insurance coverage?

Typically when sending an envelope with an associated document such as an Insurance Contract there is terms that are accepted by signing the document.  Basically you would add a Signature Block for the Recipient who needs to sign and that acts as an acceptance of the contract terms.  Of course you can use the “Accept” and/or “Decline” DocuSign fields in parallel to the Signature Block.  These two fields act just like a “Yes”, “No” set of options and selecting “Decline” would actually cause the envelope to be “voided”, where as selecting “Accept” would move it to the next Recipient if that was the only required field.  Here is a link to field types which explain further the Accept and Decline options.

We order lift equipment for projects and on the rental form that comes across - there is a place for us to sign approval of pricing etc.   however, there is a section regarding Insurance and whether A. we want insurance through the lift company or B. we have our own insurance.   Hence - the accept or decline.  and you can only select one option.    The forms come across in Adobe.   I was thinking DocuSign would have something similar.


There are options available through DocuSign fields.  The use of Radio Buttons, the use of Checkboxes with validation settings, and the use of Dropdowns. all of the items I mentioned could be setup to allow only a single choice to be made.



Thank you!

Hello @Lisa Tepolt ,


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Thank you @David.Schmitz, for the information provided.


Best regards,


Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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