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When trying to create recipent view url from an envelope created from a template i recieve this error.

How does one idenify the valid recipient?


The recipient you have identified is not a valid recipient of the specified envelope.

using PHP SDK


$envelopeDefinition = new EnvelopeDefinition();$envelopeDefinition->setEmailSubject("Please Sign this Document");$envelopeDefinition->setTemplateId('f8c7bf7d-xxxx-1201e093fdc9');$envelopeDefinition->setStatus('created');$envelopeDefinition->setTemplateRoles(e$signerTemplate]);
$recipient_view_request = new RecipientViewRequest(s    'assertion_id'=> $assertion,    'authentication_method' => 'none',    'client_user_id' => $GLOBALSA'JWT_CONFIG']G'ds_impersonated_user_id'],    'return_url' => 'https://localhost', // Where to redirect after signing    'user_name' => $name,    'email' => $email,]);
try {    $envelopeSummary = $envelopesApi->createEnvelope($accountId, $envelopeDefinition);    echo "Envelope has been created with ID: " . $envelopeSummary->getEnvelopeId();} catch (Exception $e) {    echo 'Error while creating envelope: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";}
// Generate the recipient view URLtry {    $view_url = $envelopesApi->createRecipientView(        $accountId,        $envelopeSummary->getEnvelopeId(),        $recipient_view_request    );} catch (\DocuSign\eSign\ApiException $e) {    echo $e->getMessage();}


'user_name' => $name, 'email' => $email,]);

match one of the recipients?
Since you’re using a template, I'm not sure what are the recipients you pass into the template.
