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Embedded Signing Loader Left Aligned

  • 4 September 2024
  • 3 replies


We’ve just updated to the Embedded Signing flow. When loading up a document the embedded loader is appearing on the left of the screen. However, there is no way to modify this. Is there something we can pass or is there a bug with our container? 

Bellow are the screenshots and source code


//running in the console
//updates the loader to show as centered

Application Code:

const signingConfiguration = {
url: this.url, //url from service
displayFormat: 'default',
style: {
signingNavigationButton: {
finishText: 'Submit',
position: 'bottom-right'

try {
const docusign = await DocuSign.loadDocuSign(clientId);
const signing = docusign.signing(signingConfiguration);

/** Event handlers **/
signing.on('ready', (_event) => {
console.log('UI is rendered');
signing.on('sessionEnd', (event) => {
console.log('sessionEnd', event);
if (event.sessionEndType === 'signing_complete') {
else {
$(`#docusignLibContainer`).removeClass("hide"); // Display the container
} catch (error) {
// Any configuration or API limits will be caught here
console.log("### Error calling docusign.js");
<!-- HTML -->
<div class="docusign-lib-wrapper">
<div id="docusignLibContainer"></div>
.docusign-lib-wrapper {
width: 100%;
height: calc(95vh - 100px);

#docusignLibContainer {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;


I don’t think there’s any way for you to modify the place of this loader as it is built into the embedded signing page. Based on my test, it seems the embedded loader's div element appears left aligned when the "displayFormat" is set as "defeult". However, when the "displayFormat" is set as "focused" the loader appears at the center of the embedded signing frame. I'll check with the team more on this issue and get back to you.

Thanks again for your report. This issue has been reported to the engineering team and is being tracked through ticket C2A-3615 but there’s no ETA. Unfortunately, there’s no way to move the loader to the center of the page at this time until this issue is fixed. As a workaround, I would recommend using the focused view by specifying the "displayFormat" as "focused."

@Byungjae.Chung Thanks for letting me know its a bug. Unfortunately we are unable to use focus view. The focus view doesn’t provide the level of controls we need to provide to our clients. 

Thank you
