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CLM Reporting: Date filters are inadequate and need product team attention

  • 26 March 2024
  • 1 reply

I need certain reports to refresh daily without having to manually update the end date for the date range I’m looking at in the report. One of my reports needs to show the quarter, for example January 1, 2024 through March 31, 2024. 

Current options:

  1. Rolling Date Range - this looks back X days and looks back too far. If X = 90 and today is 3/26/2024, the system returns dates prior to January 1, 2024. This is not an optimal solution.
  2. Custom Date Range - this looks at the date I want/need, but requires manually updating every day. The system doesn’t allow for the inclusion of future dates. This is also not an optimal solution.

I need a way to not have to manually update custom range, but have it be rolling or inclusive of the entire time period even if some of the dates in the period are in the future.

I run reports all the time. This can be created in the Smart Rules, and you will need to create a schedule for the report.
