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How do I go back to the original version 5. Version 6 is not providing me with rooms created prior to 2022.

No, mine does not work.

Nothing changed in my account. My Inbox for email doc's into my room has disappeared, I can Not create a new folder. Folders in my prior transaction are still missing. I can not give anyone access to my Room. History to see who has access my files is gone.

I received an email from Docusign this morning. They wanted me to send them screen shots of the problems I am encountering.

What screen shot the Room page to show folders is not there? Inbox is missing? I can't view history? There is no place to give access to others to enter the room? I told them there request is ridiculous, they can schedule a zoom meeting with me & I can show them my room. :/

Helen - For some reason they do not want to get you on the phone initially. That is what happened to me. It was several emails before they gave me that option.


Hello Everyone,

Thank you for reaching and confirming.

In Transactions, the only documents that will be brought over are the documents that were part of a Room, meaning that "My Docs" will not show at the moment. For the "Inbox", currently, Transactions does not have this feature as well. You will have to open each individual Transaction to add your documents.

For those who are not able to see older transactions or are missing information from these transactions, I will be notifying our engineering team.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!

Adios Docusign.

There will be a lot more Davids.

I just finished wasting an hour of my time with DocuSign's lack of support center. I approved the recording of a Zoom session and we went through my Rooms to see why I can't retrieve rooms prior to 2018. No luck in finding out why. Another person joined the session and asked the "tech" to forward the recording of our session to the engineers so they can work on the issues we discussed. Incredibly, the person who recorded the Zoom session didn't know how to retrieve it to forward. The other person tried to help him, but he was in another country! The tech guy then sends me an email asking ME to contact my IT person (I don't have one!) so that he could look for our Zoom session and forward it to him so he can pass it along to the engineers!! No, I'm not making this up.

The lack of competence is startling. I am VERY concerned.

Violet - Are you a sole practitioner?

Jayne Vaughan



Rather than being negative all time...I'll report that I was finally connected to a tech agent who was able to assist me. After complaining about my first experience, the powers that be connected me with a person who communicated in real time with the engineer to find a solution for me. My issue apparently does not have anything to do with the bug. I will know more tomorrow and will report back.

Nice chatting with you, Jayne.

Nothing has changed!!

I got this email from Docusign - not sure what to make of it!!!

I feel like Support has no idea on the problem and then trying to offload back to us...

Sadly, the cryptic suggestions make no sense. I have a background in IT and this is so appalling!!

Adding further confusion to the mix...

From Support - I cant even imagine they believe any of this will make the missing files appear...

My years of hard work and future business is dependent on the missing files....

Appalling to know that Support has no idea of the issue at hand....

I guess I am done with Docusign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Regina,

Please try these troubleshooting steps:

1. Clear cache/cookies

2. Try different browser(s)

3. Incognito

4. Different device

5. Different Internet network such as on a mobile device using data with Wi-Fi disabled.

 6. Attempt different payment method/card // Attempt from the pricing website directly.

7. Enable/disable VPN if applicable.

Let me know once done.


I had received the same email. Violet and I were on a call today.

I also have another issue with notification emails. I have written back to them with the support ticket but I guess it is not important enough for them to answer me.

No one ever really did understand the rooms like those of us that started with Cartavi.

We are all getting frustrated. I have a background in IT as well and this is making my head spin.

Rather than let any tom richard or harry answer us, and try and snow us over these issues we all are having, they should assign a select team of engineers that can address us on our issues. Also, TALK TO US.


I'm sure you would agree that talking to a person could lead to a better understanding of the issues we are having. The engineer could ask follow up questions one on one.

That is a great idea, Jayne. To the person monitoring this discussion site....PLEASE forward the suggestion that a well trained, select group of tech people be "assisgned" to all of us with compromised Rooms.. If DocuSign doesn't employ enough of these techs, then CONTRACT HIRE from the outside to get us through this phase. The gentleman I spoke with yesterday was able to think outside the box and didn't suggest I do silly things like clear my cache. I would hope DocuSign has more like him. I'm crossing my fingers that today will be a day of solutions.

Hi Everyone, I am a Cartavi original user. Do any of you know of a similar program out in the industry?

That list one of you receive from support is low level support working off a check list asking for you to do all those items 1st. Its jusy busy work.

Update: Yesterday I was advised that all my files should be in my Rooms by Monday, the 12th. Again, my issue was not about the bug. I'll update on Monday.

How do we get back to this Rooms version? I just copied and pasted this url straight from Docusign. Where are the images of my transactions? Where is the Inbox? How to do split and combine documents? Where is the Docs feature? How do I rename documents easily. I'm going to get NAR involved on this Docusign disastrous change.


Can't split a document, can't edit a document. Can't email a document, can't share a document. WHAT IS THE POINT?

ALL the functionality I had before is gone, gone, gone.


Please, EVERYONE, contact NAR about this failed revision

NAR was a major investor in Docusign early on. I contacted the Benefits dept of NAR and am waiting for a response as to where to take take action.

We are wasting time and efforts trying get Docusign to fix their mess.

Clearly, no one at DocuSign asked a working Realtor what functionality they needed in a Transaction Room.. The new "Rooms" can be compared to just getting a bunch of papers and sticking them in a manilla file. At the very least, DocuSign should give us the ability to share documents with a client. That is the purpose of these rooms!

David....regarding "renaming" a document....In any Room, select a document and then click the three vertical dots next to the "view" button. One of those options is renaming. There are some other options there as well, but I don't anticipate using most of them.


I have a posting on FB in LAB COAT AGENTS about this. There are a heck of a lot of folks that still have the rooms. Little do they know what is about to happen.

Those of you that are member of this page, please go and tell the world what is happening.

David Reams

Please call me.


Docusign support closed my case!!! Since I refuse to follow the lame ignorant suggestions they made to clear cache and use a different browser to see if I can find the missing files!!!! I am so appalled!!! I will reach out to NAR and for now pray it all works out!!!

Well, I said I would report back today about my files. My tech let me know the code rolled out today, but, unfortunately, it did not help me. I'm still missing files. Perhaps this new code helped some of you. I assume they just keep trying to get my files into my Room. I'll let you know if I ever get them.
