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How do I go back to the original version 5. Version 6 is not providing me with rooms created prior to 2022.


All I did was check to see if anything had changed. I lost all my transaction rooms yesterday. ALL my files back to 2013.

I signed into docusign, and then went under my name to go to the transaction rooms and there they ALL were.

Keep contacting them.

Please keep me posted. I have no rooms prior to 2022.

I also had folders with past transactions imported into Docusign - they are all gone!!!

Has anyone had a response from DocuSign in the last week? No one is giving updates on the scrolling issue. Jayne, do you still have access to all your files? Did anyone else have their files reappear?

Morning All

Yes, I still have access to my files.

This is an email I received this morning:

 Our engineering team is already working on this, they have fixed several accounts along the way, and as we have escalated the case at the moment we need to wait. We always recommend downloading your documents and keep them safe in your hard drive or cloud, even though the system saves your documents in your account, DocuSign is an e-Signing platform, not a storage platform.

WOW! I have been a user of Rooms since before Docusign purchased it from the prior owner. Creating folders is gone. I can not give access to documents to anyone. I emailed documents to my inbox & can not locate them. I going to check if my past documents are still available. I hope they fix this fast.

Yes, this is a hot mess. I would not have upgraded to version 6 if any of these problems were known. The new version is so inferior to what we were using.

And help is non existent.​

I too was a user of Cartavi prior Docusign buying it.

I guess I will have to hire someone to go and download all my documents from all the rooms.

What I do not get is that I am now told DOCUSIGN is not for document storage, yet I am allowed a certain amount of space that I have not even used after all this time.

I can't believe the customer support said: " DocuSign is an e-Signing platform, not a storage platform.."

We used it for 8-9 years as document storage and worked perfectly.

I, too, started with Cartavi. DocuSign can play/pretend they are only for signing, but, clearly, they've taken money from people and implied a secure storage for documents. They have to make good on the promises made during the last decade....or they may find themselves without the signing platform either.

I do not understand why we can't get updates. I also don't understand why the new rooms don't allow document sharing with clients. That's the point of the whole system! I want my clients to be able to see everything at once as I do...or used to.

Please, if anyone on this thread receives any updates from "support", continue to update us. This may be the only way to find out what is going on.

Hello everyone,

Thank you for reaching back on this thread with your experiences and updates

At the moment we do have a bug open for this issue which is being worked on currently, at the moment there haven't been any updates but if there is, I will provide an update.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

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A bug issue??? This so called upgrade is an ABSOLUTE disaster. We can't send emails to an inbox and thus move them to a room. What a mess

Dear Nathaly - Please keep us posted. I have had numerous emails from support - however, nobody seems to understand the issue. It seems unlikely that after 5 days of receiving emails that make it seem like I have no idea what I was doing since Docusign is only a esign service!!! I transitioned and consolidated all my transactions into Docusign early this year.. It was a great service for esign and storage and easy retrieval of past transactional documents... Until Docusign took away all the functionalities that were working..... I wish the upgrade had clarified clearly of the major changes that could affect users that were taking advantage of the storage function as well.


I totally agree with you. Those of us that came over when Docusign bought Cartavi, unlimited storage was one of the percs we liked. That our clients files would be there for them and us forever if we wanted to. That they could access their files at any time themselves.

When Christopher told me this was not "cloud" storage, I almost flipped. Cartavi had come out as a solution that allowed us to have all these files in one place. For agent and for whoever we had given access to.

My files go back to 2013. Can you imagine the time it is going to take for ME, not anyone else, to go through each and every room and download them somewhere? Is Docusign going to offer some sort of reimbursement to us since they say now they are changing the rules? Just like they took away the APP for rooms too.

I'm one of those customers, too. I was using Cartavi when they sold it to docusign. Now docusign is getting their lunch eaten with the plethora of esigning platforms and is guaranteeing its demise making Rooms worse.

David Reams
CA Broker 00636976
310-721-4858 Cell
310-222-1077 Office


Their support was always less than adequate. Especially when the first took on the rooms. There was no one that was sufficiently trained in them. I can show you the knots on my head where I was hitting it on a wall.

Thinking outside of the box is a lost art it seems. Especially for those of us that do have more than just a little computer and software experience.

I am now having an issue with documents that I email to people right out of the room. Prior to this glitch, I would get a notification email that those documents were looked at. Now the only way I know is when I receive the Daily Digest email. Not good enough in my circumstances. Another part that has stopped working with programmers that do not cross their t's and i's.

I would love to know how changes are vetted before we get them. In my past life, I always ran parallel and tested things before I made any changes live.

Jayne Vaughan


Regina, you stated the situation so succinctly, i.e., we should have been advised of the changes that would result with the upgrade to version 6 -- BEFORE we initiated the upgrade.

Hey Docusign Support!

Is anybody reading these support requests? The Rooms revisions are HORRIBLE. Just revert back to the version prior to what is available lately. Where are the details of the changes Docusign made to the Rooms? We need to be able to keep documents in our Rooms to meet the DRE guidelines, at a minimum. We need an Inbox for all emails to land and then be able to move to the appropriate Room. We need to the ability to rename documents in a Room. You have stifled our ability to conduct business appropriately.

It's not funny anymore. It's not a matter of "just wait until we fix the bug" anymore. I'm tired of being ignored. My livelihood is being affected....and NONE of it is my doing. For ten years, I paid all my bills on time and expected SECURE storage as was promised by DocuSign representatives. When I was told by DocuSign to migrate to the new system, I did as THEY requested. Not all of my files are lost. The majority are, however. I'm with David. Is anyone in DocuSign land even reading these messages? Or, are they all laughing at what chaos they've created? Is there no one who is competent in their tech department? Is their board of directors aware of this fiasco? Does the board care? No wonder DocuSign stock is sinking faster than the Titanic. If there is anyone with a conscience left at DocuSign, could you PLEASE respond on this thread and let us know when we'll get our files back?

This person: Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator posted here 4 days ago. Go back on this thread. She refers to a "bug number".

If we get emails when a person posts on this thread, she should surely be getting one.

Who remembers the name of the person that came up with Cartavi?

I am going to start posting on social media tomorrow. Its been a week of agony...

I couldn't wait any longer. I have been messaging privately on Twitter - now, lets get this mess out in the open. Its so shameful to have paid users stranded for days!! Please post on Docusign's social media platforms. Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. I am also thinking of filing a complaint with the BBB....

Good, Regina. Maybe that will get some action.

I, too, am tired of stating and restating the obvious here. If this helps anyone else on this thread (or others), I did the following to see if we can get some solutions to our problems. Earlier this evening, I emailed the DocuSign CEO. I explained the issue and how it affects me. Neither responded to me directly, but within an hour they had forwarded my email to the "lead of the Customer Support organization at DocuSign". She promises to contact me tomorrow and I'll post what she tells me. It is sad that neither of the two on "leadership" responded to me.

I suggest that everyone on this thread email the three above. Maybe if they get sick of the emails, they'll fix the problem. If you do get a reply, please post so we all know the direction "support" is taking.

Edited by Community Engagement Manager.

Thanks for those emails Violet. I just sent all three an email. However won't hold my breath while waiting for resolutions.

Yes everyone, please continue to share any positive news that you might hear.

It's been a week too long!!! I have no update from support at this time.

I have decided to discontinue using Docusign. I have lost trust once they changed the direction of their business without informing their paid customers. and without any support or help during the process. This is our livelihood and I will not compromise any future business in their hands.. Totally disappointed....

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

The recent update shows that all bugs impacting the transaction rooms due to the migration should be resolved, please confirm in your accounts and if you see that the issue is persisting, please let us know.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

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