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I am sure someone has asked this before, so sorry for any repititions:

I just want to confirm. When a docusign for different signers are sent via the same email, will there be two emails, under the same email address for each signer to open?  I keep getting questions saying that one of the signers is not seeing where to sign. Could it be they did not open the email for their signature.  I have allot of husband and wife signatures using the same email address.  Let me know if there is something else I may need address otherwise.  Thanks much!!

Hello @StClaire2024, Hope you doing great.

Welcome to the Community! I believe it’s the same thing, you can check the link for your reference. 



Yes, you can use the same email address for both husband and wife.   I do recommend you set a signing order and customize a different email message for each recipient.

Signing Order


Recipient Custom Message


Add message

Custom email and language for each recipient


If you have two people using one email - they will each get a unique message directing them where to sign.

For example: You need John and Mary to sign, they share the address  J&

You enter John as a signer - with J& as the email. Then enter Mary as a signer with J& as the email.

There will be two messages to J& - one for John, one for Mary.

It’s possible that one of the email messages was deleted or is now “lost” amid many other messages. Try resending and telling whoever has not signed that they need to use the new email link.

good luck!


Thank you for the quick response. Very Helpful!!
