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I tried to send a document for signature from a template that was previously used successfully from a demo account. It generated the error message "A requested plan item is not enabled for this account. The usage of numerical tabs is forbidden because EnableTagTypeNumerical is not enabled for this account."

What’s the best way to resolve this?  I did open a Global Support case, but I’m hoping one of you has seen this before and has a quick(er) resolution.



The error message says that you used a numeric field in the template, but this is not supported in your DocuSign plan. The demo accounts, especially the developer accounts have more features available and you may be restricted on what you use in production due to your plan. You can check with DocuSign support if this is a feature that they can enable on your current DocuSign plan or if you need a different plan that contains it.

Quick solution:
→ Replace the numerical tabs with text tabs (and apply validation if needed) in production

Thanks - this suggestion worked!  DocuSign support reached out to me less than an hour after I filed the case and walked me through how to fix it.  It was exactly as you said: delete the numeric field, replace with a text field, set validation to “number”, and it sent just fine.  Thanks so much for the suggestion!

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