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I’m setting up a “New Vendor Questionnaire”.  I want SENDER to open the form, enter their INFORMATION and the VENDOR’S name and email and the form to go a) FIRST to the VENDOR to complete section A of the form and sign and then b) the form to RETURN to the SENDER to review the information collected and sign that they have reviewed it and c) it goes to a Help Desk for entry.

Current situation- it collects the SENDER and VENDOR’s name and email but NOT in the right order.  So it thinks the SENDER is completing the VENDOR’s section and visa versa.


Help this is the first time I developed a form that should go out to an external link first and the to our staff and it failed miserably.  Any help is MUCH appreciated.

@icallublessed - What role descriptions are you using?  Are you using a signing order?

Hi John

I’m using Vendor name and email and Staff Requestor (see below) but the person filling out the form is the staff member when they submit it, it’s opening the form for the staff member and giving them the ability to edit the vendor fields.  images below.  When they click “send” I want it to go to the vendor first.  Possible? 




@icallublessed - This is one way of doing this with the PowerForm the way is currently setup.  Once the requestor completes the welcome screen: 

They will have to hit “Finish Later” without filling out any information on the form.  The Vendor will receive an email notification and when they are done, the Staff requestor will get their turn.     You could customize the information on the welcome screen by making changes to the Brand.   Let me know if this will work. 

by changes to the brand you mean, make the Power Form a Web Form?  Please confirm? 

by changes to the brand you mean, make the Power Form a Web Form?  Please confirm? 

No, I mean there are customizations that can be done on the signing resource XML in the Brand on the account.  You might not need to do that, but it helps it is an option. 
