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If the retention policy is activated today, and set for 90 days. The expectation is that on day 91, the documents in the system will be moved to the purge queue.

Now based on the above process, we need DocuSign to clarify the following 2 scenario:

Scenario 1:

If the retention is set to activate in 90 days from today, and a user completes a signed document in day 60, does that imply that this document will be retained in DocuSign only for 30 days, or from that 60th date, the document will have 90 days retention, meaning that the retention applies based on the date each document is completed.  


Scenario 2:

If the retention policy is activated today, and set for 90 days (which is Aug 18th), what happens to documents entered into the system and signed after (90th date) the last retention date ( for example: 5 day after (Aug' 23rd) or 30 days after (Sep' 27th)), will these new documents be automatically sent to be purged, or the 90 days starts counting individually for the new document depending on their posting date and completion date.

Hello @Munish veda 


You are very welcome to the Docusign Community!


I suggest to you read this White Paper with Best Practices for Retention Policy, I think your questions will be responded by this White Paper.


I hope that helps!




@Munish veda - Retention policies are applied to terminal status such as 
completed, voided or declined.

  1. Scenario 1:  If a document is completed before the policy activation, it will be retained for 90 days from its terminal status date.
  2. Scenario 2: Each new document that reaches a terminal status after the retention policy activation will have its own individual 90-day retention period starting from its terminal status date.

Hi @Munish veda,


I hope you are doing well.


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Best regards,   

Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator   

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